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Breast cancer deaths in America have been declining for more than a decade. Much of that success is due to early detection and better treatments for women. I strongly encourage women to get a mammogram.

Tonight I should like to thank all those who have shared my work and to acknowledge the debt that I owe to my wife whose encouragement to put research before all other things has been a great strength to me.

My hope is that the Chinese government will come to realise that it is futile to repress free speech and that contrary to what they believe a regime's strength rests not its suppression of a plurality of opinions and ideas but in its capacity and willingness to encourage them.

We get strength and encouragement from watching children.

While other industries have suffered the nonprofit arts world continues to build in strength while it encourages the growth of innumerable small businesses on its periphery thereby creating more jobs.

I had a lot of encouragement and tolerance from my parents but I also have many friends who didn't get that from their parents and in a way they have more strength from spending years where nobody believed in them.

We want to encourage the young ones to learn and get some confidence in sports. It's fun and keeps you active and moving.

I would never encourage my children to be athletes - first because my children are not athletes and second because there are so many people pushing to get to the top in sports that 100 people are crushed for each one who breaks through. This is unfortunate.

In the past human society provided encouragement and opportunity for people to extend support to each other especially in highly stressful situations.

If you want a free society teach your children what oppression tastes like. Tell them how many miracles it takes to get from here to there. Above all encourage them to ask questions. Teach them to think for themselves.