Search For ellen In Quotes 87

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.

Mr. Geithner is an excellent minister. We have a good personal relationship.

To rely upon conviction devotion and other excellent spiritual qualities that is not to be taken seriously in politics.

Poetry is an art the easiest to dabble in but the hardest to reach true excellence.

Poetry is an art and chief of the fine art the easiest to dabble in the hardest in which to reach true excellence.

I despair of ever writing excellent poetry.

The true spirit of delight the exaltation the sense of being more than Man which is the touchstone of the highest excellence is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry.

Earth and sky woods and fields lakes and rivers the mountain and the sea are excellent schoolmasters and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.

The long and short of it is that I am now in a position in England to green light movies and that's really excellent - not high-budget movies but movies none the less.

When we talk about Oscars it's almost as a symbol of excellence and the American public and the worldwide public accept that symbol. So a movie like 'The Artist' that costs $14 million has to go out and compete with movies that cost $140 million. How does David deal with Goliath?