Search For earning In Quotes 951

I have never forgotten my days as an Eagle Scout. I didn't know it at the time but what really came out of my Scouting was learning how to lead and serve the community. It has come in handy in my career in government.

Playing golf is like learning a foreign language.

When Honor's sun declines and Wealth takes wings Then Learning shines the best of precious things.

Learning while at school that the charge for the education of girls was the same as that for boys and that when they became teachers women received only half as much as men for their services the injustice of this distinction was so apparent.

Learning disabilities cannot be cured but they can be treated successfully and children with LD can go on to live happy successful lives.

Responsibility for learning belongs to the student regardless of age.

I've studied all my musical life but learning is only good if you do something constructive with it.

The nice thing about being a writer is that you can make magic happen without learning tricks.

Just learning to think in another language allows you to see your own culture in a better viewpoint.

Coming to understand a painting or a symphony in an unfamiliar style to recognize the work of an artist or school to see or hear in new ways is as cognitive an achievement as learning to read or write or add.