Search For drunk In Quotes 44

I might get drunk one day and fall in love or fall over a hooker outside and I would have consummated a relationship that I couldn't necessarily believe in.

It's useless to hold a person to anything he says while he's in love drunk or running for office.

The aim of life is to live and to live means to be aware joyously drunkenly serenely divinely aware.

An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.

Writing a novel is one of those modern rites of passage I think that lead us from an innocent world of contentment drunkenness and good humor to a state of chronic edginess and the perpetual scanning of bank statements.

One thing I hope I'll never be is drunk with my own power. And anybody who says I am will never work in this town again.

Social topics may hit too close to home for people but then again if you pull a heartstring then that's what country music is. It's not just songs about getting drunk and leaving your girl.

We have wasted History like a bunch of drunks shooting dice back in the men's crapper of the local bar.

So after awhile you can only get so much happiness from a guy who's drunk come up and tell you you're great.

It is funny the two things most men are proudest of is the thing that any man can do and doing does in the same way that is being drunk and being the father of their son.

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From computers to information technology to airplanes it has been America's unique blend of republican government and free-market capitalism that has allowed us to surpass all other nations in history.