Search For drama In Quotes 176

I was on the football team because I wanted to experience the different iconic social classes of high school. So football for me was an attempt to socially integrate in an interesting way. And then I didn't like it anymore and stopped doing it and focused more on drama and science and other forms of art and music.

My taste in watching things runs from dramas and low-budget films to high-end fantasy/science fiction.

If you win all the time you lose the drama in life. To make the happy moments happy you need the sad moments too.

I had to choose I'd be so sad. They are flip sides of the same coin. I love both comedy and drama.

The thing about romance and romantic movies is that they can be somewhat melodramatic. For a lot of actors there's a certain cringe factor that's involved with that.

In the West audiences think I am a stereotyped action star or that I always play hitmen or killers. But in Hong Kong I did a lot of comedy many dramatic films and most of all romantic roles lots of love stories. I was like a romance novel hero.

I had to trick people into giving me money for my first film. Making a romantic comedy is easier and more expected from a woman than it is to make a drama about a Japanese warrior.

I like to see love stories: romantic comedy or romantic drama.

Ooh it's too embarrassing to share my innermost romantic secrets - although I have written Danielle the odd poem. If anything they are more comedic than romantic. They used to be well-received but that was before she started studying Shakespeare at drama college. Now I feel so inept.

I love romantic comedies or romantic dramas - basically anything with love in it.

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If education is always to be conceived along the same antiquated lines of a mere transmission of knowledge there is little to be hoped from it in the bettering of man's future. For what is the use of transmitting knowledge if the individual's total development lags behind?