Search For dimension In Quotes 41

Composing gives me a chance to work in multiple dimensions and helps me pare down my melodies into what is essential. Learning new skills has always energized me and scoring has opened up a world of sonic possibilities.

There is a general knowledge that I am multi-dimensional that when you are creative you do a lot of things.

I suppose I look for humor in most situations because it humanizes things it makes a character much more three-dimensional if there's some kind of humor. Not necessarily laugh-out-loud type of stuff just a sense that there is a humorous edge to things. I do like that.

I hope to refine music study it try to find some area that I can unlock. I don't quite know how to explain it but it's there. These can't be the only notes in the world there's got to be other notes some place in some dimension between the cracks on the piano keys.

As we divest ourselves of once familiar physical objects - digitize and dematerialize - we approach a 'Star Trek' future in which everything can be accessed from the fourth dimension with a few clicks or terse audibles.

I'm a multidimensional person and that's the freedom of fashion: that you're able to reinvent yourself through how you dress and how you cut your hair or whatever.

As is known it is in the realm of experience inaugurated by psychoanalysis that we may grasp along what imaginary lines the human organism in the most intimate recesses of its being manifests its capture in a symbolic dimension.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

In this country the health concerns and the environmental concerns are as deep as in Europe. All the surveys show that. But here we didn't have the cultural dimension. This is a fast-food culture.

Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to education health care political participation and advancement of one's own culture and social organisation.