Search For devote In Quotes 54

Every Wednesday my husband and I have a study group with our friends. I attend church. We try to devote time in the morning say a prayer.

I know of nothing more despicable and pathetic than a man who devotes all the hours of the waking day to the making of money for money's sake.

I think of myself as a fairly attractive girl and always have thanks to my mom. I was brought into this world thinking I was gorgeous because my mother was extremely devoted to this notion.

We've all seen the mom who devotes all her time and attention to her child and is so hungry for adult interaction that as soon as she's around another adult she's not paying attention anymore.

A man is ethical only when life as such is sacred to him that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help.

I have devoted much time and energy to helping medical physics in developing countries.

Medical physicists work in cooperation with doctors. A few medical physicists devote their time to research and teaching. A few get involved with administrative duties.

A person will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body - the wishbone.

I try to devote my afternoons to making music in my home studio but it's a lot more fun hanging out with musicians and friends and trying subtly to influence a band than making your own stuff.

In my early 20s I studied history and politics and I really thought that perhaps I would devote my life to that.