Search For depart In Quotes 103

Since coming to Congress I have been advocating for increased resources for research in the physical sciences and for the Department of Energy Office of Science in particular.

I have the most profound respect for the Department of Justice and the FTC. We in Europe are a younger and I would say junior institution to the historical antitrust experience of the US.

Religion is not a department of life it is something that enters into the whole of it.

There was a power outage at a department store yesterday. Twenty people were trapped on the escalators.

We've certainly learned a lot of lessons from Katrina from Rita. Rita was better than Katrina. We're doing a better job planning. We're closer - more closely aligned with the Department of Defense. These things would be positive things if we were to have another attack.

Democrats always like to brag that their guys are smarter than the opponents and Republicans always like to brag that their guys are more moral than the opponents. But if you're looking for morals in politics you're looking for bananas in the cheese department.

Poetry is something that happens in universities in creative writing programs or in English departments.

My parents used to take me to the pet department and tell me it was a zoo.

The point of departure of the process to which we wish to contribute is the fact that war is the natural reaction of human nature in the savage state while peace is the result of acquired characteristics.

We have to be active about kindness and about peace. I've always fantasized that it would be great if there was a Department of Peace.