Search For denial In Quotes 30

Refusal to believe until proof is given is a rational position denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd.

The worst education which teaches self-denial is better than the best which teaches everything else and not that.

Most diets would have you cutting things out from your diet they are about denial and discipline.

Lots of people there seemed to be in denial in absolute denial of death - everybody's pretending that death doesn't happen in L.A. if you do enough exercise and take enough wheatgrass and have your pill every day you might not die.

It takes a lot of courage to face up to things you can't do because we feed ourselves so much denial.

Sometimes I think I might not have written 'The Age of Miracles' if I hadn't grown up in California if I hadn't been exposed to its very particular blend of beauty and disaster of danger and denial.

My denial and irresponsible attitude about asthma put me at great risk and caused me so much needless suffering. My hope is that the kids I talk to learn to open up about their asthma become educated about their condition and seek help.

The art of motherhood involves much silent unobtrusive self-denial an hourly devotion which finds no detail too minute.

How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.

I'm lucky that my real-life Mom has both a great sense of humor about herself and an amazing ability to slip into complete denial if the subject matter gets a little too close to home.