Search For democrats In Quotes 80

When we were at peace Democrats wanted to raise taxes. Now there's a war so Democrats want to raise taxes. When there was a surplus Democrats wanted to raise taxes. Now that there is a mild recession Democrats want to raise taxes.

There are a lot of conservative people a lot of moderate people Republicans Democrats in Hollywood. It is just that the conservative people by the nature of the word itself play closer to the vest. They do not go around hot dogging it.

I hate movies that tell people what to think. I'm proud that Democrats thought 'Thank You For Smoking' was their film and Republicans thought it was theirs. I'm proud that pro-choice people thought 'Juno' was their film and pro-life people thought it was theirs.

One of my movies was called 'True Lies.' It's what the Democrats should have called their convention.

The big divide in this country is not between Democrats and Republicans or women and men but between talkers and doers.

Shouldn't Democrats insist that Sen. Durbin step down as their whip the number two man in their leadership?

Democrats have no agenda no plan for the future and no sense of leadership.

Aren't we at the point where the closer we get to chaos the more concern that there should be about coming to the table and compromising with Democrats? This is not leadership. This is almost like dictatorship.

Democrats are going to proudly run on the fact that we turned the economy around. It was our policies under President Obama's leadership through the Recovery Act through investing in the automobile industry.

We're going to need to absorb some pain. The Republicans want to pile all the pain on people who can least afford it and the middle class and Democrats under his leadership want to make sure that we can address deficit reduction and continue to make investments and shared sacrifice is going to be imperative in order to be able to do that.