Search For daily In Quotes 116

If in our daily life we can smile if we can be peaceful and happy not only we but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.

Character... is a habit the daily choice of right over wrong it is a moral quality which grows to maturity in peace and is not suddenly developed on the outbreak of war.

Peace is a daily a weekly a monthly process gradually changing opinions slowly eroding old barriers quietly building new structures.

I saw music as a way to entertain people and take them away from their daily lives and put smiles on their faces as opposed to what I see it being now which is a way for me to actually communicate and a way for me to tap into my subconscious.

I've had to adapt my wardrobe to my various roles both at the office as a mom and for television. When I shop for the season I look for pieces that will suit every facet of my daily life not just one single occasion.

The production of children the nurture of those born and the daily life of men of these matters woman is visibly the cause.

Fires can't be made with dead embers nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks.

All brave men love for he only is brave who has affections to fight for whether in the daily battle of life or in physical contests.

Because we have so much eye candy and mind candy spending so much time trying to pay the rent all of this conspires to keep us from thinking too hard or taking action from that. Our time is stolen. So much of our daily life is stolen.

Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all.