Search For crucial In Quotes 44

Police and firefighters are great but they don't create wealth. They protect it. That's crucial. Teaching is a wonderful profession. Teachers help educate people to become good citizens so that citizens can then go create wealth. But they don't create the wealth themselves.

As much as we all talk about the future and how so many things are merging there is a simplicity that is crucial.

With respect to the environment in our state and our state's future - in addition to water which is very important here - I think it is crucial for him to make a sincere commitment to energy efficiency fuel efficiency by helping us to produce those cars of the future.

On a level of simple personal survival understanding and forgiveness are crucial... whether in an intimate personal relationship or on a global level.

But Australia faces additional regional and global challenges also crucial to our nation's future - climate change questions of energy and food security the rise of China and the rise of India. And we need a strong system of global and regional relationships and institutions to underpin stability.

It does kids no favors and sets them up for a potential lifetime of poor health and social embarrassment to excuse them from family meals of real food. Everyone benefits from healthy eating but it is particularly crucial at the beginning of life.

Flexibility is crucial to my fitness. Incorporating a good warm-up and cool-down into every session decreases my chances of injury. I use both dynamic and static stretching in my training. I've starting doing a few yoga sessions which incorporates muscle strength and flexibility.

A home is crucial the foundation of a stable family.

As crucial as religion has been and is to the life of the nation America's unifying force has never been a specific faith but a commitment to freedom - not least freedom of conscience.

The failure of academic feminists to recognize difference as a crucial strength is a failure to reach beyond the first patriarchal lesson. In our world divide and conquer must become define and empower.