Search For critic In Quotes 272

The impending teacher shortage is the most critical education issue we will face in the next decade.

More negatives write than call. It's a cheap shot for me to go on the air with the critical letters or E-mail I get because the reaction of the listeners is always an instantaneous expression of sympathy for me and contempt for the poor critic.

Criticism in the universities I'll have to admit has entered a phase where I am totally out of sympathy with 95% of what goes on. It's Stalinism without Stalin.

Sympathy is the first condition of criticism.

I passionately believe that's it's not just what you say that counts it's also how you say it - that the success of your argument critically depends on your manner of presenting it.

In a way a certain amount of self-criticism is a good thing because it keeps you humble. Realizing that no matter what success you've achieved you can still make enemies makes you humble too.

The framers of the Constitution were so clear in the federalist papers and elsewhere that they felt an independent judiciary was critical to the success of the nation.

For someone who's had the level of success I've had there's been very little critical review of my work which is pretty fascinating.

If you have no critics you'll likely have no success.

That Germany was so immensely strong and Austria so dependent upon German strength that the word and will of Germany would at the critical moment be decisive with Austria.