Search For criminals In Quotes 23

One of the hardest questions I have been asked is 'How will you manage the army if you are having menstrual cramps?' I have also been asked if I will have the courage to face criminals. My answer is that courage is not a matter of gender.

If we're going to change the laws let's change them in ways which makes it easier to catch criminals and yet at the same time protect the Second Amendment rights of our law-abiding citizens.

The most important decision I've made in business? The choices of people I have around me. When I first started I brought everybody with me my homies from the neighborhood criminals. I just said 'Come on everybody we made it.' Then I had to realize we didn't make it. I made it.

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Now if we look at the way in which the labor movement itself has evolved over the last couple of decades we see increasing numbers of black people who are in the leadership of the labor movement and this is true today.