Search For consistently In Quotes 27

Web 2.0 ideas have a chirpy cheerful rhetoric to them but I think they consistently express a profound pessimism about humans human nature and the human future.

The Bush Administration's failure to be consistently involved in helping Israel achieve peace with the Palestinians has been both wrong for our friendship with Israel as well as badly damaging to our standing in the Arab world.

Vision gets the dreams started. Dreaming employs your God-given imagination to reinforce the vision. Both are part of something I believe is absolutely necessary to building the life of a champion a winner a person of high character who is consistently at the top of whatever game he or she is in.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically but nothing consistently without courage.

Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile.

To be successful in real estate you must always and consistently put your clients' best interests first. When you do your personal needs will be realized beyond your greatest expectations.

Men are amazing. I love the way they are. They're consistently little boys and they need to be nurtured and loved. But at the same time they need to feel like men.