Search For confuse In Quotes 59

Well probably I was fed up with concrete poetry. There was a lot of bad concrete poetry and besides it was confused with visual poetry which was completely different.

There is the view that poetry should improve your life. I think people confuse it with the Salvation Army.

I build a kind of wall between myself and t he model so that I can paint in peace behind it. Otherwise she might say something that confuses and distracts me.

What I'm not confused about is the world needing much more love no hate no prejudice no bigotry and more unity peace and understanding. Period.

One tell-tale sign of a Wingnut: they always confuse partisanship with patriotism.

Nature is a temple in which living columns sometimes emit confused words. Man approaches it through forests of symbols which observe him with familiar glances.

In these confused times the role of classical music is at the very core of the struggle to reassert cultural and ethical values that have always characterized our country and for which we have traditionally been honored and respected outside our shores.

I think it would be a lot easier if I said 'I feel like a dude ' but I was raised by a southern mom so I know how to put on lipstick and walk in heels and rock that look. It's exactly that juxtaposition that confuses people.

Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.

You can never control who you fall in love with even when you're in the most sad confused time of your life. You don't fall in love with people because they're fun. It just happens.