Search For condemn In Quotes 33

I'm by no means condemning prescription medicine for mental health. I've seen it save a lot of people's lives.

As I speak to you today government censors somewhere are working furiously to erase my words from the records of history. But history itself has already condemned these tactics.

I believe in something. But I don't believe that anything can hold a grudge for long enough to condemn its creation to eternal punishment. Nobody can hold a grudge that long even God.

Most laws condemn the soul and pronounce sentence. The result of the law of my God is perfect. It condemns but forgives. It restores - more than abundantly - what it takes away.

If there is something to pardon in everything there is also something to condemn.

In Britain by contrast we still think that class plays a part in determining a person's life chances so we're less inclined to celebrate success and less inclined to condemn failure. The upshot is that it's much easier to be a failure in Britain than it is in America.

On the one hand we publicly pronounce the equality of all peoples on the other hand in our immigration laws we embrace in practice these very theories we abhor and verbally condemn.

When the courts decide that murderers rapists and others who maliciously break our social contract deserve health care that most working Americans can't afford they are condemning good people to death.

But the issue is not only life and death but our existence before God and our being judged by him. All of us were sinners before him and worthy of condemnation.

As long as you don't make waves ripples life seems easy. But that's condemning yourself to impotence and death before you are dead.