Search For compliment In Quotes 28

I can live for two months on a good compliment.

There are only three things women need in life: food water and compliments.

Candor is a compliment it implies equality. It's how true friends talk.

There's a lot of gimmick infringement out there but that's cool. It's a compliment. But it all started right when I first came into the Garden. I came down to 'Eye of the Tiger' and when I hit the ring with the Sheik I just put my hand up to my ear by accident and the crowd got louder. I was like 'Oh that works.'

I'm very happy to hear that my work inspires writers and painters. It's the most beautiful compliment the greatest reward. Art should always be an exchange.

When someone says that I'm angry it's actually a compliment. I have not always been direct with my anger in my relationships which is part of why I'd write about it in my songs because I had such fear around expressing anger as a woman.

Montana and I had a chemistry that was unbelievable. When I first came into the league he told me I added five years to his career and I just think we complimented each other very well and were able to do some amazing things out on the football field.

It's been amazing to watch because for 'Thor' which was always a mid-selling book to be in the top ten for every single issue since the reboot is just a great compliment.

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Citizens the priority now is to recover trust between the Egyptian - amongst the Egyptians and to have trust and confidence in our economy and international reputation and the fact that the change that we have embarked on will carry on and there's no going back to the old days.