Search For companions In Quotes 31

Humans have a fraught relationship with beasts. They are our companions and our chattel our family members and our laborers our household pets and our household pests. We love them and cage them admire them and abuse them. And of course we cook and eat them.

A person needs at intervals to separate himself from family and companions and go to new places. He must go without his familiars in order to be open to influences to change.

Faith without works is like a bird without wings though she may hop with her companions on earth yet she will never fly with them to heaven.

Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.

Choose your companions from the best Who draws a bucket with the rest soon topples down the hill.

Beauty and folly are old companions.

Yes the companionship is amazing. You know you can get that physical attraction that happens is great but then there's an awful lot of time and the rest of the day that you have to fill.

But when you're deprived of it for a lengthy period then you value human companionship. But you have to survive and so you devise all kinds of mental exercises and it's amazing.

'Tis the last rose of summer Left blooming alone All her lovely companions Are faded and gone.

When thinking about companions gone we feel ourselves doubly alone.