Search For commend In Quotes 40

There are a great many men valued in society who have nothing to recommend them but serviceable vices.

While I do commend the Administration on its commitment and focus on high school reform I believe that we must focus on graduation as the key accountability measure.

So what's it like in the real world? Well the food is better but beyond that I don't recommend it.

I recommend that people try new stuff or take new fitness classes all the time. It's important to mix up your routine not only for your body but also for your mental state.

Everyone should be commended for allowing people to make disasters to make failures - you've just got to be sure that it's a magnificent failure and that by creating a magnificent failure you plant the seed.

Moreover the practical recommendations deduced from ecological principles threaten the vested interests of commerce it is hardly surprising that the financial and political power created by these investments should be used sometimes to suppress environmental impact studies.

I always recommend a sensible diet including lots of carbohydrates and avoiding too much fat. Dancers don't need different fuel from other people - they just need more of it because they use more energy.

At one point I even thought 'Oh I'll take diet pills.' I tried it for one day and I thought my heart was going to explode. It's awful and I would never ever recommend it.

I highly recommend worrying. It is much more effective than dieting.

There is not necessarily a good reason why a regulator should have to be involved in product design and marketing for rich and sophisticated investors. We recommend that such investors should be able to sign a piece of paper which allows them to go ahead and buy unregulated products at their own risk.

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The best anti-aging advice I've ever received? Drink a lot of water and have a plant-based diet. I also do mindful meditation with my daughter every day. It takes ten minutes. I think reducing stress plays a big part in anti-aging.