Search For comedian In Quotes 53

They don't make you pay for the humor. It's up and down but they're trying to give you as many laughs as possible in 2 minutes. They are the most honest comedians ever.

For the most part comedians are pretty friendly with each other. They always say they badmouth each other but most of the time they're friends. We're the only ones that can really stand our type of humor.

I was considered by my peers to be a good comedian. So that's all I ever strived to do was get some recognition from my peers.

God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.

I'm not a comedian. I'm an actor who just happens to be funny on occasion.

I don't think of myself as a comedian but as an artist a scientist and chemist who just happens to be funny. I started doing stand-up to add another level to my game. I feel that I'm a young rookie with a veteran's skill.

I think it's actually a misperception that I am a comedic actress. I do more drama than comedy but very little of it has been seen. When you are in big funny movies and they do well and your little part in it kind of explodes people perceive you as a comedian.

Who knew Rob Lowe was funny? On 'Parks and Rec ' we've got some of the funniest comedy writers some of the funniest comedians in the world working there. And if anything we don't just effuse to one another and be like 'Oh Rob Lowe's really funny ' if he wasn't.

I really don't know what makes a comedian. I think it's a family background and environment. Yet if you put the same ingredients in another person he may never utter a funny line.

If you think something's funny go with that. Most comedians pull jokes from a place of honesty.

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I have my new food line in the works - I think it's over 200 items. Hopefully I can make a difference it's delicious food that's just so easy. I think it'll help people enjoy their lives... it's good!