Search For closet In Quotes 30

If you went to your closet today would you pull out the same outfit you wore 10 or 15 years ago? You wear feelings and faith differently as well.

I was always a closet lover of acting. My mom was very practical. She never ever restricted our dreams always told us we could do or be anything. Then I said 'Maybe I want to be an actor'. And she said 'Maybe not that'.

When we were in the design studio I always was pretending like I was in a closet asking my friend before I step out into the world what do I look like? And everybody wants that honest friend before they go and go to dinner or go to an event.

I remember opening my dad's closet and there were like 40 suits every color of the rainbow plaid and winter and summer. He had two jewelry boxes full of watches and lighters and cuff links. And just... he was that guy. He was probably unfulfilled in his life in many ways.

As I was coming out of the closet our car was hurtling over an embankment.

I had more clothes than I had closets more cars than garage space but no money.

If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet you'd best teach it to dance.

Wigs have always been a part of my life and have become a staple accessory in my closet. I can remember being a little girl and hearing all the commotion in my house from my mom aunts and grandmother when picking out their wigs for the day. It was such a good time for them and part of their everyday beauty routine.

I would as soon put a girl alone into a closet to meditate as give her only the society of her needle.

To dare to live alone is the rarest courage since there are many who had rather meet their bitterest enemy in the field than their own hearts in their closet.