Search For cline In Quotes 67

Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions.

There is no doubt that as a society we have become blase about the importance of marriage as a stabilising influence and less inclined to prize it as a worthwhile institution.

Love to faults is always blind always is to joy inclined. Lawless winged and unconfined and breaks all chains from every mind.

When Honor's sun declines and Wealth takes wings Then Learning shines the best of precious things.

During the Cold War we gathered information by listening to the Soviets taking pictures of the Soviets and we allowed our human intelligence to decline.

The great thing about university is that they incline you to get up and do it from the Classics to modern plays to the humor that Monty Pythons made popular.

I think there's been a decline in the public's access to what's being done with their tax dollars what's being done in their name. I hope that that will be repaired.

I am inclined to attach some importance to the new system of manufacturing and venture to throw it out with the hope of its receiving a full discussion among those who are most interestedin the subject.

I've declined every congressional benefit I could decline federal health insurance the retirement program the 403(b) program which I think is overly generous. I've got self-imposed term limits of six terms if I have the privilege to serve that long.

The truth is women use contraception not only as a way to prevent unintended pregnancies but also to improve their health and the health of their families. Increased access to contraception is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality.