Search For chased In Quotes 26

What some call health if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet isn't much better than tedious disease.

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me give me liberty or give me death!

China has legally purchased high performance computers advanced machine tools and semiconductor-manufacturing equipment from several American companies.

It's sad that women characters have lost so much ground in popular movies. Didn't 'Thelma and Louise' prove that women want to see women doing things on film? Thelma and Louise were in a classic car they were being chased by cops they shot up a truck - and women loved it.

I've never chased fame. I came into this business to be a theatre actress. I was nine when I first appeared on stage. But I can't say I would turn my back on fortune. I'm someone who enjoys the benefits of money.

It was Public Art defined as art that is purchased by experts who are not spending their own personal money.

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Fantastic! Right in the middle of that long stretch between Christmas and Spring Break your coats are getting dirty everything's dark dingy - what a great time for a movie!