Search For censor In Quotes 32

The books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always young readers will be the real losers.

Let children read whatever they want and then talk about it with them. If parents and kids can talk together we won't have as much censorship because we won't have as much fear.

When I was very little we would get letters from China in Chinese and they' be censored. We were a very insular little family.

When you have strict censorship of the internet young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues.

You can't censor people's dreams.

I might be writing what people expect me to write writing from that place where I might be ruled by economic considerations. To overcome that I started working with my dreams because I'm not so censored when I use dream material.

Evolution is unobservable. It's based on blind faith in a few dry bones and on unreliable dating systems in which the gullible trust. Kids should be allowed to make up their own minds about this issue and not be censored to 'one side is all we will let you hear.'

I am quite strict as a dad but I don't want to be censorious.

Again like I said we're not trying to censor anyone. If you think drugs are cool fine. Make that movie. We are not going to stop you or try to stop you but we would encourage other people to be a bit more responsible about their portrayal of drug usage.

The thing about stand-up was I was doing all this sketch and YouTube stuff where I was not being censored and I got to do my own thing and it was really cool.