Search For celebrate In Quotes 74

PC stuff just lowers the general acceptance of good work and replaces it with bogus poetry that celebrates values that in themselves are probably quite worthy.

I've teamed up with PetSmart Charities to celebrate the five million homeless pets who've found homes through their in-store adoption centers and to spread the word about how we can work together to save millions more pets' lives and ultimately end pet homelessness.

We are a people that have always celebrated other people's success so long as we always had the opportunity to meet that success ourselves. That is the American nature. That is the American character. That is one of the things that makes us different from the rest of the world. And I'm afraid we could lose that or are on the verge of losing that.

I'm an enormous admirer of Christopher Lee. He's somebody along with Vincent Price who I celebrate and I wanted my movies to show that celebration and that honoring of these great film stars that were unafraid to go into horror and Grand Guignol and the macabre.

Kids are meant to believe that their stepping stone to massive money is 'The X Factor.' Luck is great but most of life is hard work. We do not celebrate people who have made success out of serious hard work.

Mom always tells me to celebrate everyone's uniqueness. I like the way that sounds.

The facts are plain: Religious leaders who preside over marriage ceremonies must and will be guided by what they believe. If they do not wish to celebrate marriages for same-sex couples that is their right. The Supreme Court says so. And the Charter says so.

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

I always felt different as a kid and the Kinks were like 'Yeah we're the Kinks.' Celebrate your difference don't be afraid of your sense of humor or your personality or who you are. It emboldened me.

Newspaper people once celebrated as founts of ribald humor and uncouth fun have of late lost all their gaiety and small wonder.