Search For cases In Quotes 65

Choice of attention - to pay attention to this and ignore that - is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer. In both cases a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the consequences whatever they may be.

The shoe that fits one person pinches another there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.

Today corruption has won and justice has lost. I brought corruption cases in good faith involving powerful people and the political and legal establishment blatantly covered up and retaliated by targeting my law license.

They seem to have forgotten that and are back saying the only purpose of P2P networks is for illegal trading of owned goods. We claim part of the reason for P2P is for legal trading of what ought to be in public domain. And what is in public domain in many cases.

Perhaps these Ten Commandments cases will be the turning point in the legal war against religion.

I mean in some cases with libel laws you know they can write things about people who have no course of action because they can't afford to take legal action against them.

Yes. I did more research than I ever wanted to and saw some things I wish I didn't. I went on ride-alongs spent time with Homicide Cold Case and SVU detectives hung out in subways learning how to spot pervs and pick-pockets viewed an autopsy went to a police firing range and witnessed court cases and I read read read.

Knowledge is and will be produced in order to be sold it is and will be consumed in order to be valorised in a new production: in both cases the goal is exchange.

The library is seen as a force for self improvement and the pursuit of knowledge. I fear that in many cases this is no longer true if it ever was.

Psychopaths know the technical difference between right and wrong - which is one of the reasons their insanity pleas in criminal cases so rarely succeed they just fail to act on that knowledge.

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When a person tests positive for HIV it is not a test for the virus itself but for antibodies to the virus and the test is not able to distinguish between HIV antibodies and a multitude of other antibodies. Many conditions can lead to a false positive result including flu shots hepatitis and pregnancy.