Search For carefully In Quotes 40

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.

Using these unnamed sources if done properly carefully and fairly provides more accountability in government.

I wasn't in school often enough to really belong to a 'clique ' but my friends all studied hard and got pretty good grades. They were good people with self-respect. I still like to be friends with people I admire something about I really believe that we become like the people we're surrounded by so I choose my friends carefully!

Reading about nature is fine but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully he can learn more than what is in books for they speak with the voice of God.

To avoid being mistaken for a sellout I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.

Freedom must be gained step by step slowly. Freedom is a food which must be carefully administered when people are too hungry for it.

I don't like food that's too carefully arranged it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I'd buy a painting.

Therefore when I considered this carefully the contempt which I had to fear because of the novelty and apparent absurdity of my view nearly induced me to abandon utterly the work I had begun.

Never walk away from failure. On the contrary study it carefully and imaginatively for its hidden assets.

No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto.