Search For careful In Quotes 96

I love to compare different time frames. Poetry can evoke the time of the subject. By a very careful choice of words you can evoke an era completely throw the poem into a different time scale.

I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. These things to me are expressions of love.

While you are proclaiming peace with your lips be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.

I must be careful not to get trapped in the past. That's why I tend to forget my songs.

I'm proud of all the movies I've made. They're not sequels they're not franchises. And the reason I pick my films carefully is that I don't want to spit on my life. I like to think of myself as more than that.

Well I get my subject on Wednesday night I think it out carefully on Thursday and make my rough sketch on Friday morning I begin and stick to it all day with my nose well down on the block.

I have an orthopedic pillow that's made out of a sponge material. I have a plate in my throat and I have to be careful or I could end up with a bad neck in the morning. That pillow is a must everywhere I go.

A man is usually more careful of his money than he is of his principles.

A man is usually more careful of his money than of his principles.

Being divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck. If you live through it you start looking very carefully to the right and to the left.