Search For capable In Quotes 134

I think leaders are incapable of the strength that passive resistance entails.

The stark and inescapable fact is that today we cannot defend our society by war since total war is total destruction and if war is used as an instrument of policy eventually we will have total war.

The first duty of society is to give each of its members the possibility of fulfilling his destiny. When it becomes incapable of performing this duty it must be transformed.

A society made up of individuals who were all capable of original thought would probably be unendurable.

Science is based on the possibility of objectivity on the possibility of different people checking out for themselves the observations made by others. Without that possibility there is no empirical principle capable of deciding between different arguments and theories.

The most watched programme on the BBC after the news is probably 'Doctor Who.' What has happened is that science fiction has been subsumed into modern literature. There are grandparents out there who speak Klingon who are quite capable of holding down a job. No one would think twice now about a parallel universe.

You're an actor are you? Well all that means is: you are irresponsible irrational romantic and incapable of handling an adult emotion or a universal concept without first reducing it to something personal material sensational - and probably sexual!

I have the most respect for Zach Woodlee. He is one of my favorite - and one of the most capable - choreographers out there right now.

Find your self-respect now. Don't dumb yourselves down. Think of yourself as capable and worthy of finding a guy who is going to respect you too. It's so important I mean and the confidence you get from feeling smart and tackling something like mathematics which is a challenge right? Math is hard.

Superstition is the only religion of which base souls are capable of.

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If Republicans want to be seen as more compassionate they should continue to stand proudly for the sanctify of life and marriage. And they should do so without apologizing.