Search For calling In Quotes 51

I'm not overly alarmist about it but I do think there are some worrying signs like the growing accumulation of wealth by a very small proportion of the population plus elections in the US are much more dominated by money than anywhere else calling itself a democracy.

My mom would be leaving the house and she'd say 'Don't you pull out all of the old dresses in the attic and put on a show again!' And the door would close and that's exactly what I'd do. The show was calling me!

I'm an actress and mom and I probably don't have enough of an active spiritual life. And I don't know why people run around calling themselves by the names of religions when they don't actually practise them.

My mom passed away at 41 from diabetes. And I'm 42 thank you. I didn't want to do that to my son. So any time I was at the gym that thing that helped me do that last squat was my son calling some other woman mommy. And that would just give me that extra oomph to do that last squat. I want to be around for him.

The physician's highest calling his only calling is to make sick people healthy - to heal as it is termed.

The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.

The price one pays for pursuing any profession or calling is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side.

It's part of the calling to at least do a few songs in the show that give people some hope. There's so much hurt in this world and... music is such a great healing balm and a great way to forget your troubles.

My health may be better preserved if I exert myself less but in the end doesn't each person give his life for his calling?

Earlier today Arnold Schwarzenegger criticized the California school system calling it disastrous. Arnold says California's schools are so bad that its graduates are willing to vote for me.