Search For brothers In Quotes 83

I was going to make movies. I was the one in the family who was always rolling the video camera making movies of my brothers around town and then screening them for my parents. I still would love to make movies someday... that's something that really means a lot to me and I know I'll have the chance to do it one day.

My mom still lives in Denver and some of my brothers are still in the area so I still have strong ties there.

I am very proud of my mom and consider her the most courageous woman I know. With perseverance sacrifice and hard work she raised a family of Olympic athletes and gave us the tools and the spirit to succeed. That is something that my brothers and I will always be thankful for.

We're definitely a hodgepodge of influences. Mine most heavily would be Southern rock - the Allman Brothers Lynyrd Skynyrd and stuff like that. Hillary is more from the country side - her mom is Linda Davis a country singer. Dave he's a big fan of the Eagles and like that.

It was definitely a part of our life. I mean my mom had both her brothers and her fiancee in Vietnam at the same time so it wasn't just my dad's story it was my mom's story too. And we definitely grew up listening to the stories.

Growing up with three older brothers and being the youngest and the only girl my mom always made me tough. She's taught me over the years how to be a strong independent woman how to carry yourself in a positive way and anything that my brothers can do I can do.

I was raised in Boston by three older brothers and a very strong and empowering single mom.

My parents are wonderful and I'm really lucky - but my mom has always been almost exclusively a right-brained person. She goes completely on her feelings of things on her intuition and so she instilled that in my brothers and I.

We do not want the men of another color for our brothers-in-law but we do want them for our brothers.

Civil war? What does that mean? Is there any foreign war? Isn't every war fought between men between brothers?