Search For bride In Quotes 28

Bride: A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.

The American audience has really opened up to women being A.) funny and B.) kinda crude. 'Bridesmaids' is R-rated and I think it was a major coup for women to have an R-rated comedy that did really well. Same as 'Bad Teacher.'

When you look around right now Nashville is kind of going through another changing of guard you're watching the Martina McBrides and the Faith Hills and all of them that have been the big stars for the last however many years and the next generation is coming in: Miranda Lambert Carrie Underwood those girls.

When I design a wedding dress with a bustle it has to be one the bride can dance in. I love the idea that something is practical and still looks great.

Next month I will celebrate my 30th anniversary of marriage with my beautiful bride Vicki. Our marriage has been a blessing. I have gained even more respect for the institution over the past 3 decades and will defend it against attack.

Never tell a secret to a bride or a groom wait until they have been married longer.

Had 'Bridesmaids' not ended up being so amazing and successful we would never have been able to make 'Bachelorette.' So we are in awe of 'Bridesmaids' and totally owe them so much.

When it's over I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom taking the world into my arms.