Search For bless In Quotes 225

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and as the magnet finds the iron so it will find in every hour some heavenly blessings!

Technology without hatred can be a blessing. Technology with hatred is always a disaster.

I'm blessed with a good pair of ears. That's how I fooled my piano teacher. I'd watch his fingers and I'd listen to it and I just kind of basically learned it by myself.

I was successful materially but I know life is much more than worldly success. I saw all these blessings God had given me. The way to give thanks is obedience to God.

You're blessed if you have the strength to work.

I'm thrilled I'm grateful I'm blessed. I played for the world's greatest professional sports team in history. Once a Dallas Cowboy always a Dallas Cowboy.

What if the Soviet intervention was a blessing in disguise? It saved the myth that if the Soviets were not to intervene there would have been some flowering authentic democratic socialism and so on. I'm a little bit more of a pessimist there. I think that the Soviets - it's a very sad lesson - by their intervention saved the myth.

I would love to be married. But it's not a necessity like the way that I feel I need and want to have children. It would be wonderful to have a husband and I would feel blessed to do it. But I would feel sad for the rest of my life if I had no kids.

The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort - the opening terror. Conversely the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing - the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.

As far as the leading man/romantic lead I'll tell you what I really enjoyed my experience more than I thought or imagined I would on 'Catch and Release.' God bless them if they want to give me another shot at that. I would love to have that as something I can go to on occasion.