Search For behavior In Quotes 114

I think it's perfectly just to refuse service to anyone based on behavior but not based on race or religion.

The day is not far off when the economic problem will take the back seat where it belongs and the arena of the heart and the head will be occupied or reoccupied by our real problems - the problems of life and of human relations of creation and behavior and religion.

It takes a lot of experience of life to see why some relationships last and others do not. But we do not have to wait for a crisis to get an idea of the future of a particular relationship. Our behavior in little every incidents tells us a great deal.

The behavior of men to the lower animals and their behavior to each other bear a constant relationship.

The test of one's behavior pattern is their relationship to society relationship to work and relationship to sex.

More than ever before consumers have the ability to unify their voices and coalesce their buying power to influence corporate behaviors.

The strategic adversary is fascism... the fascism in us all in our heads and in our everyday behavior the fascism that causes us to love power to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.

Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.

I think that Americans should gradually begin to adopt positive behavior rather than doing evil. They should not expect an immediate reaction in return for their positive measures. It will take time.

Perhaps it is because cats do not live by human patterns do not fit themselves into prescribed behavior that they are so united to creative people.

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The artist is the confidant of nature flowers carry on dialogues with him through the graceful bending of their stems and the harmoniously tinted nuances of their blossoms. Every flower has a cordial word which nature directs towards him.