Search For bears In Quotes 26

The only book by a modern president that bears serious comparison with Obama's 'Dreams From My Father' is Jimmy Carter's short campaign autobiography 'Why Not the Best? ' published in 1975.

I grew up in Chicago so I've always been a Bears fan. Dad used to take me to Bears games and Cubs games. My brother used to ride me over to Lake Forest College on his Honda Supersport and we'd watch the Bears practice. I remember those guys out there as monsters - they were the biggest things I've ever seen!

Without courage wisdom bears no fruit.

Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.

The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace making the best of circumstances.

Wisdom I know is social. She seeks her fellows. But Beauty is jealous and illy bears the presence of a rival.