Search For backs In Quotes 42

My parents came from Russia and suddenly they wound up in Boston Massachusetts Brookline Massachusetts and they felt the sun rose and set on Franklin Delano Roosevelt's backside because he meant so much to them. This was freedom. This was something totally different from the Russia they had left.

It's easy to be lazy when there's food lying around backstage or there's a fast-food joint a couple blocks away. But if you walk a little further ask around a bit of course there are exciting things to discover.

I wish there were more true conversion and then there would not be so much backsliding and for fear of suffering living at ease when there are so few to contend for Christ and His cause.

And having a strong family you know we've lost some members of our family and had some setbacks but I think a good family and kids all those things I thought at one time... you got to be kidding me... Those things are so important they enable you to go on.

When I remember my family I always remember their backs. They were always indignantly leaving places.

Notwithstanding these setbacks the dream of a beautiful American orchestra goes on and I share Dr. King's faith that each year we move inexorably closer to a magnificent opening night.

Competition got me off the farm and trained me to seek out challenges and to endure setbacks and in combination with my faith it sustains me now in my fight with Alzheimer's disease.

I'm not sure it's the stimulus money that will necessarily allow the economy to recover. It will help to fortify our budgets frankly to ensure that there isn't as much backsliding in the areas of education and healthcare for example.

'American Horror' goes for a very specific kind of Seventies suburban downer ambience - 'Flowers in the Attic' paperbacks Black Sabbath album covers and late-night flicks like 'Let's Scare Jessica to Death.' It even has 'Go Ask Alice'-era urban legends.

My dad's a scratch golfer and I've got the knack of seeing something and then replicating it. I saw my dad swing a club and I worked out how to do the same thing. My backswing and follow-through have been basically the same since I was two.