Search For attribute In Quotes 42

God preordained for his own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice a part of the human race without any merit of their own to eternal salvation and another part in just punishment of their sin to eternal damnation.

There's too much tendency to attribute to God the evils that man does of his own free will.

One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others by means of love friendship indignation and compassion.

Most importantly nothing has happened to change my conviction that freedom and the love of liberty remain the essential defining attributes of our national character as a people.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

A line from one of my 1997 columns - 'Do one thing every day that scares you' - is now widely attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt though I have yet to see any evidence that she ever said it and I don't believe she did. She said some things about fear but not that thing.

The attributes for entrepreneurs cut both ways. You need the ability to ignore inconvenient facts and see the world as it should be and not as it is. This inspires people to take huge leaps of faith. But this blindness to facts can be a liability too. The characteristics that help entrepreneurs succeed can also lead to their failure.

We're born with success. It is only others who point out our failures and what they attribute to us as failure.

It is therefore not unreasonable to suppose that some portion of the neglect of science in England may be attributed to the system of education we pursue.

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral intellectual and physical education I received from her.

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Facts matter. Science matters. Reason matters. Mitt Romney has shown an inability to respect any of the three. President Barack Obama not only respects them he relies on them. He is an overwhelming and unquestioned choice to continue as president.