Search For attractive In Quotes 55

Gestures in love are incomparably more attractive effective and valuable than words.

Just like I find men who talk sports who don't really know sports annoying I think men might find women who don't really have a true passion and knowledge of sports maybe not so attractive.

Lincoln's stature and strength his intelligence and ambition - in short all the elements which gave him popularity among men in New Salem rendered him equally attractive to the fair sex of that village.

When a chick has a sense of humor there's nothing more attractive.

Confidence is at the root of so many attractive qualities a sense of humor a sense of style a willingness to be who you are no matter what anyone else might think or say and it's true I do have a certain fondness for women that have dark hair.

It's very attractive to people to be a victim. Instead of having to think out the whole situation about history and your group and what you are doing... if you begin from the point of view of being a victim you've got it half-made. I mean intellectually.

With a lot of hair and make-up then I'm possibly remotely attractive. But it's rare I don't think I'm ugly but I'm nothing particularly special. I'm not a yoga and health girl. I don't exercise that much and I eat crap and smoke and bite my nails.

It's not attractive when girls get superskinny. Guys don't like it. Girls don't like you as much. You lose some happiness when that's all you think about.

I think all women go through periods where we hate this about ourselves we don't like that. It's great to get to a place where you dismiss anything you're worried about. I find flaws attractive. I find scars attractive.

I mean I'm married first of all to one of if not the most wonderful women in the world. She is everything - funny attractive hard-working she has integrity she loves me to bits.

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For all my years in public life I have believed that America must sail toward the shores of liberty and justice for all. There is no end to that journey only the next great voyage. We know the future will outlast all of us but I believe that all of us will live on in the future we make.