Search For arrow In Quotes 61

I hope we will not so characterize religious people as being so narrow and so biased towards people not of their own religion that they cannot even work with them in this common cause to which you say they are committed.

I'm actually a pretty decent human being and when I'm home I'm straight as an arrow.

To the extent that the judicial profession becomes the daily routine of deciding cases on the most secure precedents and the narrowest grounds available the judicial mind atrophies and its perspective shrinks.

Law is stable the societies we are speaking of are progressive. The greater or less happiness of a people depends on the degree of promptitude with which the gulf is narrowed.

What ever our wandering our happiness will always be found within a narrow compass and in the middle of the objects more immediately within our reach.

Religions do a useful thing: they narrow God to the limits of man. Philosophy replies by doing a necessary thing: it elevates man to the plane of God.

I said peace is sometimes narrowly interpreted it's the absence of conflict between nations or something. But peace is more inherent more basic to human life human beings what we feel about each other what we feel about life around us and what we see in our future.

All I can say is that I'm getting married in the future. I've narrowed it down to that.

Republicans are men of narrow vision who are afraid of the future.

I got to dress up in funny clothes and run around New Zealand with a bow and arrow for 18 months how bad could that be?