Search For amaze In Quotes 44

I was amazed and upset by the looks I got just walking around the studio... It illuminates the ugliness and the beauty that exists within each of us and that's what this story represents to me.

Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act look feel successful conduct yourself accordingly and you will be amazed at the positive results.

Well just meeting J. K. Rowling was amazing because she created all this world. And all the fans we all get so obsessed with it and then you met the one person who made it all up. It was just so amazing. And I was just so amazed that that she wrote this book and all of the films have happened.

But I am not going to live for ever. And the more I know it the more amazed I am by being here at all.

In 29 years I had recorded over 2 200 songs. I was amazed.

More and more couples are having this negotiation or discussion but I'm still amazed at the number who aren't and where the cultural norm sort of kicks in and they just assume that mom's got to be the one who stays home not dad.

You would be amazed what the ordinary guy knows.

There are a lot of people with a lot of money and I'm amazed they don't understand what a great pleasure it can be to give.

Amazement awaits us at every corner.

I was always amazed about how much I could finally squeeze into a thirty second commercial.