Search For alternative In Quotes 62

Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict - alternatives to passive or aggressive responses alternatives to violence.

It is the nature and the advantage of strong people that they can bring out the crucial questions and form a clear opinion about them. The weak always have to decide between alternatives that are not their own.

Most of these alternative arrangements so-called arise out of the ruins of marriages not as an improvement of old fashioned marriage.

Together with a team of financial and legal experts I have spent months exploring all possible alternatives to bankruptcy but to no avail.

We should see the leadership from the White House setting dates certain for certain goals of achieving greater alliance on alternative and renewable energy sources but we are not.

In prehistoric times mankind often had only two choices in crisis situations: fight or flee. In modern times humor offers us a third alternative fight flee - or laugh.

With optimism you look upon the sunny side of things. People say 'Studs you're an optimist.' I never said I was an optimist. I have hope because what's the alternative to hope? Despair? If you have despair you might as well put your head in the oven.

Black and white are the colors of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.

History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.

If you believe that health care is a public good to be guaranteed by the state then a single-payer system is the next best alternative. Unfortunately it is fiscally unsustainable without rationing.