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It definitely gets challenging at times. I travel a lot more now and its never easy having to leave the kids even if its for a few days.

If the graves of the thousands of victims who have fallen in the terrible wars of the two races had been placed in line the philanthropist might travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Lakes to the Gulf and be constantly in sight of green mounds.

Unlike some of the time-travel movies I love like 'Primer' or '12 Monkeys ' 'Looper' is not about time travel. It's about this situation that time travel creates and the people dealing with that situation. So narratively the big challenge was to have time travel get out of the way.

Movie acting is a great job for your twenties: You travel all over you have affairs with people and you throw yourself into one part and then another. It gets more challenging as you get older and it's not just having a daughter it's wanting to have your own life and be yourself.

As a child I didn't know what I didn't have. I'm thankful for the challenges early on in my life because now I have a perspective on the world and kind of know what's important.

I am not officially involved now in the direction of the Teen Challenge ministry but I rejoice that God permits me to be the father of these ministries.

The Teen Challenge Training Center on Pennsylvania farmland houses over 200 men in rehab. Other farms and centers have been birthed out of this ministry all over the world.

The Teen Challenge ministry was born out of those humble early days of ministry. It now includes over 500 drug and alcohol rehab centers around the world even in Muslim countries. These include homes for girls and women addicts and alcoholics all which are reaching many.

Every Teen Challenge ministry is responsible for raising its own finances but we assist these works with finances prayer and counseling especially overseas in areas such as Siberia Africa South America.

Seriously we are in the midst of the convergence of voice and data and that is challenging the infrastructure of the telephone companies. There are huge commercial interests in the basic technology but even more so in content delivery and control of content.