Search For airplane In Quotes 32

Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. It may make you feel like you're flying high at first but it won't take long before you feel the impact.

If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a 'peace conference ' you can be sure his government has already placed its orders for new battleships and airplanes.

My dad served in two wars has been flying airplanes for 60 years now. He was certainly quite an inspiration.

Dad went to Canada to learn how to fly with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He took me on my first airplane ride where I could have a hand on the stick.

From computers to information technology to airplanes it has been America's unique blend of republican government and free-market capitalism that has allowed us to surpass all other nations in history.

Computers like automobiles and airplanes do only what people tell them to do.

Every job has its downside. For example being in a band the travel part of it - getting picked up from your house in a car going to the airport getting on a plane going from the airplane to a van then going from the van to a hotel.

I'm a crazy car guy. I've got an airplane hangar full of cars.

I'm carded for R-rated movies. And I get talked down to a lot. When I try to go rent a car or buy an airplane ticket or other stuff adults do I get 'Okaaaaaay honey.' I remember when I was 18 getting crayons in a restaurant.

The pilot looked at his cues of attitude and speed and orientation and so on and responded as he would from the same cues in an airplane but there was no way it flew the same. The simulators had showed us that.

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I have been to several wars to draw. I went to Vietnam. And made drawings in Vietnam during that period of the war there and found that to be a very very sad situation.