Search For agree In Quotes 231

If you wish to appear agreeable in society you must consent to be taught many things which you know already.

I believe society has a right to defend itself just as the individual has the right to attack that with which he disagrees.

I think the debate in our society now is that people have to agree on zero-tolerance to terrorism.

In December I agreed to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans because it was the only way I could prevent a tax hike on middle-class Americans. But we cannot afford $1 trillion worth of tax cuts for every millionaire and billionaire in our society. We can't afford it. And I refuse to renew them again.

It is impossible to persuade a man who does not disagree but smiles.

I'm not being evasive but I am saying I'm not a scientist and I'm not directly involved in the consultation however the science must be sound it must be agreed and the consultation must be of a high quality or no one will have any confidence in the process.

Scientists worldwide agree that the reduction needed to stabilize the climate is actually more like 80 percent.

I don't know what to say to that but I have to agree with Johnny that yeah we do touch upon things that most men would rather not admit: That we feel pain we cry get sad and sometimes don't deal well with disappointment.

There was certainly less profanity in the Godfather than in the Sopranos. There was a kind of respect. It's not that I totally agreed with it but it was a great piece of art.

Our will makes constantly a sort of agreement with the world whereby if the world will continually show some respect to the will the will shall consent to be strenuous in its industry.