Search For afterwards In Quotes 29

It's afterwards you realize that the feeling of happiness you had with a man didn't necessarily prove that you loved him.

A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards.

God has been very good to me for I never dwell upon anything wrong which a person has done so as to remember it afterwards. If I do remember it I always see some other virtue in that person.

My films don't give you an easy ride. I can see that. The sense I get is that people have quite a physical experience with them. They feel afterwards that they've really been through something.

As a young man you don't notice at all that you were after all badly affected. For years afterwards at least ten years I kept getting these dreams in which I had to crawl through ruined houses along passages I could hardly get through.

What I remember most about junior homecoming was my date getting sick afterwards. That kinda sucked. Then senior year someone got gum in her hair when we were dancing. She had to get one of the chaperones to take her to the office and cut up her hair. I felt really bad for her but it worked out fine.

The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.

I also had to work through the violation of my date rape my unhealthy relationships with men my anger toward the people involved in the scandal and those who exploited me afterwards.

People always think that if you eat anything as a model it's amazing. I used to tease them and say you know I'm going to throw up afterwards.