Search For advertising In Quotes 60

Marriage is a good deal like a circus: there is not as much in it as is represented in the advertising.

It is not unprofessional to give free legal advice but advertising that the first visit will be free is a bit like a fox telling chickens he will not bite them until they cross the threshold of the hen house.

Advertising is legalized lying.

Yahoo! is the only company with both scale and leadership in branded and search advertising.

Have you heard of this new thing called the internet? It's giving people new expectations. It's allowing them to become their own expert. Knowledge lies anxious at their fingertips. Gloss over the truth in your advertising and you'll quickly be dismissed as a poser.

Millions of dollars' worth of advertising shows such little respect for the reader's intelligence that it amounts almost to outright insult.

Advertising must respect the intelligence of its audience and if it does not prompt them to think it will be instantly dismissed.

Chess is the most elaborate waste of human intelligence outside of an advertising agency.

Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.

Chess is as elaborate a waste of human intelligence as you can find outside an advertising agency.