Search For advent In Quotes 100

I want to do more action adventures and more romantic comedies.

'I Am Number Four' is an action-packed adventure entwined with a romantic story. I play the role of John Smith. John wants to be a normal kid but he is from a different planet and he has been given this destiny of becoming a warrior.

A tramp a gentleman a poet a dreamer a lonely fellow always hopeful of romance and adventure.

The word 'romance ' according to the dictionary means excitement adventure and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime.

The advent of a new religion making serious and impressive claims to embody a new revelation from on high is not a frequent occurrence.

My relationship with Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm reaches far back into my childhood. I grew up with Grimm's fairy tales. I even saw a theater production of 'Tom Thumb' during Advent at the State Theater in Danzig which my mother took me to see.

I find it quite hard to sum up my relationship in a sound bite. I feel that it trivializes it for other people's pleasure. It's an adventure.

I'm more of an adventurous type than a relationship type.

Public life is regarded as the crown of a career and to young men it is the worthiest ambition. Politics is still the greatest and the most honorable adventure.

A poem conveys not a message so much as the provenance of a message an advent of sense.