Search For stake In Quotes 326

Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.

A guy's biggest style mistake is definitely trying to look too cool. As long as you've got a good pair of jeans a good pair of boots and a few good shirts you're fine.

When I write software I know that it will fail either due to my own mistake or due to some other cause.

People think computers will keep them from making mistakes. They're wrong. With computers you make mistakes faster.

I do not pretend to know precisely what is on foot there but I think it pretty evident that there is a very free communication between that country and this body and unless I am greatly mistaken I see the dwarfish medium by which that communication is kept up.

Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated mistakes are tolerated communication is open and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.

I wouldn't change one thing about my professional life and I make it a point not to dwell on my mistakes.

If you want to change the way your banking system is regulated if you want to learn the mistakes of what's gone wrong then you have to change your government.

It is not strange... to mistake change for progress.

One of the advantages of moving quickly is if you do something wrong you can change it. What technologies tend to do is they tend to make a lot of mistakes... but then we go back and aggressively attack those mistakes - and fix them. And you usually recover pretty quickly.