Search For sports In Quotes 599

I wanted to play sports my whole life. That's all I really wanted to do.

I'm a sports guy. Football God I flip out.

Competing in sports has taught me that if I'm not willing to give 120 percent somebody else will.

I'm an English boy. I played a lot of sports growing up but I never had any kind of workout regimen.

I started my cooking 'career' aged 15 almost 20 years ago. At the time it was quite a shock suddenly working 75 to 80 hours a week without time to play football or other sports.

We all know that girls who compete in sports perform better in school are physically healthier and have a stronger self-esteem.

As a child I was very involved with sports and I knew at age 9 that I wanted to be an Olympic champion.

I like to feel that I understand little things about sports.

I would never encourage my children to be athletes - first because my children are not athletes and second because there are so many people pushing to get to the top in sports that 100 people are crushed for each one who breaks through. This is unfortunate.

When a sports movie really works it gets you on all levels because the stakes are high. It's black and white. It's win or lose.